Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG supports young talents in the meat industry

The award 'Förderpreis der Fleischwirtschaft' will be honored for young people who take their professional opportunities in the meat industry and contribute to the further development of the meat industry. Seydelmann is a premium sponsor and thus supports the initiative to identify, promote and establish top junior staff in this industry.

Within the partnership of the German magazines 'Fleischwirtschaft' and 'afz-allgemeine fleischer zeitung', the award honours the extraordinary projects, ideas and career paths of young people in the meat industry. After all, the career opportunities in the meat industry are extraordinarily varied and the prize winners show how attractive companies are as employers. The targeted promotion of young talents also strengthens the innovative power and future security of the meat industry.

Young, motivated professionals up to 35 years can submit their application until 18.09.2020 and thus have the opportunity to be awarded and receive funding for their further training.
As a market and innovation leader Seydelmann knows how important qualified and motivated employees are who are passionate and determined in their work. For this reason Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG supports as a premium sponsor the Förderpreis der Fleischwirtschaft 2020.